3. Strategy
Lack of notoriety, and understanding of Zuny's offer, was holding us back: key points moving forward were simplicity (1 product offer update), clarity (1 message communication), a new target audience (digital natives under 40) and new media targeting (persona & need focused).
CVP change of strategy
We reviewed our commercial strategy, to ensure better understanding of the Zuny offer. A focus on exclusively one topic: best value for money wifi, reaching our price sensitive target.
Simplification with improvements to the offer:
- Speed from 100 to 200 Mbps, with no price change
- Promotions to encourage trying ZUNY, activating prospects
- The redesign of our offer reinforced the product's position and increased consideration
Creatives change of strategy
To tackle comprehension, the original 'Vous êtes géniaux' was too abstract. Customers needed to know what Zuny was, and choose them for the offer, AND the lifestyle. We wanted to 'leur donner envie'. Zuny became: L'internet qui donne envie. Communications and creatives revolved around the new persona, showing specific needs with overall the reminder: best value for money wifi!
Media change of strategy
We reviewed media investments to improve overall performance, especially on a digital level (much more actionable than offline media). The media-mix post-revamp was about 74% online vs. 26% offline (before: 45% on; 55% off).

We couldn't wait for people to ‘trigger' into action so we centralized communication towards people with an immediate need as opposed to a broad media approach.
We switched from a global awareness approach to a lower-funnel focused approach while keeping interested segments within the awareness scope. On top of this, we reduced the numbers of media channels to leverage data and media platform algorithms for optimization and switched media strategies.