Consumer insight
For many companies, HR was and still is not a business-critical or strategically important part of the business. It's a highly operational and supportive unit, still mainly making sure that the basics are taken care off. Consequently, a lot of time is spent on solving 'unpredictable' ad-hoc issues and challenges, both big and small.
The understanding that "prevention is better than cure" and realising that this rings true for many daily issues will lead to a light-bulb moment within the HR target group.
Hence the campaign slogan: "Had ik dat geweten…" (HIDG) / "Si j'avais su…" (SIJASU). (This translates to "If only I had known" in English)
Core idea: a customer centric company needs a customer centric campaign
Everything we did and said in the campaign, kept the main focus on the customer. We did this by being as accurate and relevant as possible in our target group definitions (the who), the message we are conveying (the what), and the way in which this message will be delivered (the how).
The who: accurate target group definition through personas
We created personas for the 2 product solutions SD Worx wanted to bring forward in this campaign: one for salary calculations and administration (Danielle, HR responsible for a SME), and one for the Flex Income Plan (Isabelle, HR manager for a LE). The GOAL was to focus our message as much as possible on their specific needs and questions.
The what: co-creation as a baseline to define the message
We organised co-creating sessions with SD Worx employees and customers, seeking an answer to the question: "What are the most common and supposedly "unpredictable", but perfectly avoidable "If only I had known" situations?
The how: outbound campaign & inbound content platform
The co-creation presented us with an insight bounty, 14 of which ended up being the basis of radio spots, magazine adverts and social media posts.
This outbound campaign led people to our inbound-marketing platform, where our personas Danielle and Isabelle could browse a wide selection of relevant content (articles, self-tests, eBooks, trends reports, videos, testimonials,…). In total more than 100 content pieces designed to offer first aid for, and avoid, recognisable, daily "If only I had known…" situations.
The goal was to first get all Danielles and Isabelles to the platform through a content piece in line with their fields of interests. The content structure and automated flow of the platform were built in such a way that each content piece would redirect the individual visitor to a related, more valuable and more engaging piece of content tailored to their interest. In that way, visitors would be identified as leads. Next, the leads with the right profile would be led to other relevant content to see if they qualified as "sales ready leads".
For that purpose, we had established a scoring model behind the inbound platform. Each interaction had a specific value based on: 1. The content's value for the customer, 2. The visitor's engagement level, and 3. How closely aligned the content was with the product solutions offered by SD Worx.
The more points 'Danielle' and 'Isabelle' amassed during their multiple visits to the site, the more interesting they became as leads to SD Worx. The sales ready leads and the valuable information gathered about them through their click and surf behaviour would be passed on to the sales team. This let the sales people contact them with a targeted pitch, using a relevant sales speech.
By A/B testing content-pieces and optimising them, we also increased the messaging relevance and effectiveness of our platform and improved our conversion rate.