By integrating all features into 1 single app and web tool we had already set ourselves apart from the competition, now we needed the world to know how different we were. Paradoxically we did this by talking less about ourselves. And more about real benefits for the consumer. In our communication we talked less about who we were, more about what we had to offer. Less about our features, more about our benefits. We moved away from a technical approach to a more human and personal proposition.
Focus was on loyalty cards, as this is a feature that provides an answer to the recognizable hassle at the cash register. Also, research shows that once people start using this feature, they are more likely to keep using it.
We moved our target audience away from the low hanging fruit of early adopters. To a new and clearly defined ideal consumer we called Lily. And who would Lily trust more as her smart shopping partner than someone who looked exactly like her? Both in demographics and looks. We talked to Lily. Through Lily.
We personified the myShopi app with a character that looked like an exact copy of the actress portraying the consumer in our campaign. Turning the myShopi app in a living shopping buddy, as reliable as yourself.
And so "Lily" was born: the organised "me" who understands your shopping needs and always has tips and tricks in mind to make shopping easier, faster, cheaper, ...You trust what you know, even if it tells you about something brand new.
Mass reach media were combined with contextual selective media. We favoured media contexts in which our shoppers were in a shopping mood or at the right place and time to download the app immediately (eg. Placemats, Metro, television).
Furthermore we made sure all media were visual media, to integrate the human element in the campaign, and because myShopi has a very specific orthography that is often misspelled. This way we not only reached our target audience in an engaging way, we finally gave our brand a face, a visual style and a recognisable personality. We transformed from a tool you could forget about to a human shopping buddy you couldn't live without.